Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Plant ecophysiologist specialized in hydraulic and carbon dynamics during abiotic stress, 

translating plant physiological responses to ecosystem dynamics.


2019 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Botanical institute, University of Basel, Switzerland

2017 Diploma of advanced studies in APPLIED STATISTICS - ETH Zürich, Switzerland

2015 Master of Sciences (MSc) in BIOLOGY - Wageningen University, the Netherlands

2012 Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) in BIOLOGY - Wageningen University, the Netherlands


09/2023 - present  Postdoctoral researcher - Southern Swedish Forestry Research Centre, Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

09/2021 – 08-2023 SNF Postdoc.Mobility Fellow - Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California Riverside, USA

03/2020 – 06/2021 Postdoctoral researcher - Plant Ecology Research Lab, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

02/2019 – 12/2019 Researcher (80%) - Ecophysiology Group, WSL Birmensdorf, Switzerland 

03/2015 – 02/2019 Doctoral researcher - Ecophysiology Group, WSL Birmensdorf, Switzerland 


Seydlitz stiftelsen (12/2024) Ecophysiology lab equipment. SEK 650 000

Formas Career grant (11/2024) Trees under stress - revealing inter- and intraspecific variation of heat and drought tolerance for cliamte-smart forest management in Europe. SEK 6 000 000

Crafoord foundation (06/2024) Drought and thermal tolerance among common tree species: Acclimation potential and within-species variation. SEK 300 000

Forest damage center (03/2024) High time-resolved measurements of stem water potential. SEK 226 000

Trees4Future (03/2023) Towards a better understanding of drought and heat tolerance in trees. SEK 2 000 000

Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship, SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) (09/2021)

Structural and biochemical changes in leaves below turgor loss point: Implications for cellular, physiological and ecosystem drougt responses. CHF 124,000

Christine Buisman Fellowship (09/2014) Travel grant. € 300

Alberta Mennega Fellowship (09/2013) Travel grant. € 300


Field campaigns:

Mexico (2013), France (2016), USA (2016, 2021-2023), Switzerland (2015-2020); Observational and manipulative studies in the field, experiments in semi-controlled open-top chambers, greenhouses, and fully controlled climate chambers.

Field skills:

Tree coring; soil moisture measurements and soil sampling; forest inventories; plant material collection; in-situ eco-physiological measurements (gas exchange and fluorescence); leaf water potential; chlorophyll content measurements; experimental isotope pulse labelling techniques (13C, 15N)


Handling of soil and tree samples (drying, homogenizing); sugar and starch extraction and analyses; soil nutrient analyses; leaf embedding and sectioning; scanning electron and light microscopy; plant hydraulics; water extraction of plant and soil; isotope analyses; microCT imaging


Statistics / modelling (R statistical software, DO3SE model, ImageJ)

Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)

Creative (Adobe InDesign, Powerdirector, Windows moviemaker)

Major collaborations

Magnus Löf (SLU, Sweden), Louis Santiago (UC Riverside, USA), Carolyn Rasmussen (UC Riverside, USA), Arthur Gessler (WSL, Switzerland), Marcus Schaub (WSL, Switzerland), Mai-He Li (WSL, Switzerland), Günter Hoch (University Basel Switzerland), Ansgar Kahmen (University Basel, Switzerland), Charlotte Grossiord (EPFL, Switzerland). Roman Zweifel (WSL, Switzerland), Frank Sterck (Wageningen University, Netherlands), Frans Bongers (Wageningen University, Netherlands)


I have co-supervised 4 MSc students and 1 BSc student. I have taught courses in laboratory chemical analysis, statistical modeling and scientific visualisations, and was guest lecturer at the Southern European Regional meeting of the International Student Forestry Association (ISFA). 

Other activities and memberships

Associate editor:  

Annals of Forest Science

Journal reviews:

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Annals of Forest Science, Biogeosciences, Current Forest Reports, Dendrobiology, Ecological Indicators, Forests, Frontiers in Plants Sciences, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, Plant Physiology, Tree Physiology, Trees


European Geosciences Union (2017 – present)

Ecological Society of America (2021 – present)